Real Estate Protection

How Real Estate Impacts Estate Planning

  • Free 30-Minute Estate Planning Consultation*
  • Best Law Firm by  "Best of the Triangle"
  • In Practice Since 1976

Dunn & Hemphill, P.A. provides a broad range of real estate services, including warranty deeds, quitclaim deeds, timber deeds, deeds reserving life estates, and transfer-on-death deeds. We also offer assistance with buy/sell agreements, land disputes, and cash real estate closings.

Key takeaways

  • Protect Your Assets: Preserve your real estate holdings during your lifetime, shielding them from unforeseen circumstances or legal challenges that could jeopardize their value or ownership.
  • Smooth Asset Transfer: Facilitate the seamless transfer of your real estate assets to your chosen beneficiaries upon your passing, minimizing delays and avoiding the complexities of probate proceedings.
  • Tax Minimization Strategies: Utilize strategic estate planning techniques to minimize tax liabilities associated with your real estate holdings, maximizing the value passed on to your heirs.
  • Clear Instructions: Provide clear instructions for the management and distribution of your real estate assets in the event of your incapacity or death, ensuring your wishes are carried out precisely.


  • Preservation of Wealth: Safeguard the value of your real estate investments and ensure they continue to provide financial security for your loved ones in the future.
  • Asset Control: Retain control over the management and disposition of your real estate assets, even in circumstances where you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself.
  • Family Harmony: Minimize the potential for disputes or conflicts among family members by clearly outlining your intentions for the distribution of your real estate holdings.
  • Legacy Protection: Create a lasting legacy by preserving the integrity of your real estate portfolio and ensuring it is passed down to future generations according to your wishes.


  • Trusts: Explore the benefits of establishing trusts to hold and manage your real estate assets, providing added protection and flexibility in their administration.
  • Title Transfers: Consider transferring titles of your real estate properties to heirs or beneficiaries through methods such as joint ownership or transfer-on-death deeds.
  • Tax Planning: Work with our experienced team to develop tax-efficient strategies for structuring your real estate holdings within your overall estate plan.

Please contact us to discuss your real estate needs. Call to schedule a consultation today. (662) 327-4211

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